August 23, 2011

under the stars.

Oh it's not even clock 7 and I'm awake. respect although there are holiday:)
But aslong it's so
incredibly hot until the day and it's at 11o'clock  cooler outside than inside I decided to get up early today. and yes! It's worth it. the cool air, the blue sky, the rising sun and the silent..I love those summermornings ,  just like summer evenings. actually it was the most hot day yesterday I spent most of the time with a girlfriend on a blanket spent in the shadow and in the evening when it was dark I went out  with my laptop in a deck chair and lay there until very under the stars ... 
First today I will paint my nails  and then meet me with one of my best buddys Konstantin (which I know now by 9 years !! ) in the city for some coffee . After that  I go to the open air cinema of mercedes benz here in stuttgart  with a friend in "The king's speech". The cards I won  about 1 week ago during the football match Germany-Brazil , and I'm so happy and excited  because I actually never win someting . I hope you have also a nice day , lovelies ! 

{Konstantin and me at our Birthdayparty last March}
{meeting up for coffe and talk for hours . love it ! }

{aww ! so excited }


  1. aaw wie cool, das kinoevent muss richtig toll sein :) war da vor ein paar monaten zum arbeiten, tolle kulisse zum filmchen schauen :)
    lg summer

  2. veil glück dass dsa wetter beim open air kino passt :D

    liebe grüße

  3. hiihi, ja sind sie (;
    vielen dank! (: ♥

  4. ihr seid süße mädchen:))ich hoffe ihr hattet spaß im open air kino, ist immer toll sowas:)

    und natürlich bedanke ich mich auch dür den süßen kommentar!!!:)<3
