August 19, 2011

lake constance . again .

For this holiday, we decided  to buy a studentvacationticket . that's a ticket that allows us to use the whole school holidays all trams, underground railways, buses, ships at the Lake Constance inside Baden-Wuerttemberg . and all for only 29 ! Today, exactly on  day's the half time of our vacations is already up but  we can still say the ticket was very usefull and a good investment. We were already at the Lake Constance, at Karlsruhe, and in the balck forest. the first time at the lake constance could you see it already in  this post .. 
This time we went with florian  and marcel , two of our very good friendsbecause we could  take them for free on our cards on that day  because it was "partner-day". A beautiful day full of sun, taking the ferry , going for a walk on shore, motorboat ride, many pictures,  legendary long train journeys .. yes just see it by yourself :)
Have a wonderful day , lovelies !
{trainstation in the morning . sooo calm and beautiful}
{chiefs of the boat}

{because we are just better together}


  1. vielen dank für dein liebes kommentar, auch bein erstes glaube ich :D also dann nochmal: vielen danke! mir gefällt das erste foto ziemlich gut, sieht immer so cool aus, wenn man gegen die sonnen fotografiert! :))
    liebe grüßee

  2. vielen dank :) <3


  3. voll schöne bilder <3
    Lieben Gruß
