June 29, 2011

lights& roses in stuttgart

juhuu ! in 10 days is here in Stuttgart  on Killesberg the festival of lights  . Killesberg is one of the beautiful green area of stuttgart. a park with outdoor pool , beautiful view, animals to stroke , a lookout tower, a small fun fair and a great green area called the "Valley of the roses" . The festival of lights  had a long tradition here in stuttgart and is always in July on a nice, warm evening . for 8 you get lampinons, the whole is Killesberg lights and decorated with lamps, there is live music and yummy food . at the end of the evening when it's 12 o' clock, there is one of the largest fireworks in germany. Next week, two friends coming from nürnberg (which we have already presented to you) and then we are with them and our good friends enjoy this night. Anticipation!

{childhood memories - a carousel}
{a little bit magical isn't it ?!}


  1. Danke für dein Kommentar :)

    Ein Festival? Cool, wir haben hier im August eine riiiiesen Kirmes, aber das ist auch purer Stress, weil ich da total in der Nähe wohne :D
    Das ist so laut, da kann man nachts nicht schlafen :D

  2. woow, es sieht echt total schön aus. wünschte ich könnte dahin :)

    <3 loveavenue
