We know them now since nearly 2 years and we althought had a long distance between us.
connect much with them, have stealing peaches together, swim in the pool at night ,drinking some radler..A special relationship between Stuttgart and Nürnberg, schwaben and bavaria, FCN and VFB, maultaschen and sausages: They are just unique ! we miss them every single day and send them bis hugs and kisses !

Thank you for following!
ReplyDeleteYou've got a new reader too:-)
süßes bild (:
ReplyDeleteOh danke :D Ich hab mich grad so über deinen Kommentar gefreut <3 <3 Hihi :D
ReplyDeleteWieso nicht? Gute Idee :)
dankeschön! freut mich wirklich :))
ReplyDeletedaanke! euer auch :)
ReplyDeletehabt einen neuen leser!